Okavango Delta Aerial

Okavango Delta Aerial

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Catch up

Hmmm... My last post was waaaay back at the end of June!!! So what has been going on?

Well first off... I have a new work environment. Some funding has come my way which has enabled me for the first time EVER to have a dedicated workspace for my art. My own art studio. It's actually rented, so technically not mine, but the important thing is I have a separate space to work and gather my art paraphernalia together.  It was a bit of a long-winded process sorting out the money side and during June I started setting up. I have already been painting in there... Ivor's portrait was finished in there and I have started on a small pastel piece since but haven't got very far with that. 

The hold up has been a few other commitments to organise and prep for, so consequently I have hardly seen the studio during this month (July). Hopefully after the weekend of 9th and 10th, in which I am tutoring a drawing workshop in Devon , I shall be able to get back into the studio and crack on with some work for the exhibition.

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